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Professional Councils

University Grants Commission

Professional councils are responsible for recognition of courses, promotion of professional institutions and providing grants to undergraduate programmes and various awards. The statutory professional councils are:

All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)

All India council for Technical Education has been established under the AICTE Act, 1987. The council is authorized to take all steps that are considered appropriate for ensuring coordinated and integrated development of technical education and for maintenance of standards. The Council may, amongst other things:

  1. coordinate the development of technical education in the country at all levels;

  2. evolve suitable performance appraisal system for technical institutions and universities imparting technical education, incorporating norms and mechanisms for enforcing accountability;

  3. laydown norms and standards for courses, curricula, physical and instructional facilities, staff pattern, staff qualifications, quality instruction, assessment and examinations;

  4. grant approval for starting new technical institutions and for introduction of new course or programmes in consultation with the agencies concerned.

What is available in AICTE Website ?

Website provides a list of approved institutes – state-wise for Degree and Diploma Programs in Engineering and Technology, MCA & MBA, Pharmacy, Architecture & Applied Arts, Hotel Management & Catering Technology and M.E./M.Tech. / M.Pharm. /M.Arch.). The site also provides list of programs accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) under the AICTE.Website also provides model curriculum for UG Programs and list of books recommended for management education.

For more info,Visit https://www.aicte-india.org/


National Medical Commision (NMC)

The Medcial Council of India (MCI) was set up by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, amended in 1993. The council is empowered to prescribe minimum standards for medical education required for granting recognized medical qualifications by universities or medical institutions in India. The Council is empowered to make regulations relating to:

  1. the course and period of study, including duration of practical training to be undertaken, the subjects of examination, and the standards of proficiency therein to be obtained in universities or medical institutions for grant of recognized medical qualifications;

  2. the standard of staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities for medical education; and

  3. the conduction of professional examinations, qualifications of examiners, and the conditions of admissions to such examinations.

The Council is also responsible to give its recommendations to the Central Government for establishing new medical colleges, opening of new or higher courses of study and increase in admission capacity in any courses of study or training.

What is available in MCI Website ?

MCI website provides for a list of courses and colleges recognized by MCI in searchable interface. Search can be university, state or course wise.Site also provides status of application of medical professionals who apply for registration of the MCI.

For more info,Visit https://www.nmc.org.in/


Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR)

ICAR has established various research centres in order to meet the agricultural research and education needs of the country.It is actively pursuing human resource development in the field of agricultural sciences by setting up numerous agricultural universities spanning the entire country. It provides funding to nearly 30(Thirty) State Agricultural Universities, one Central University and several Deemed Universities. These universities employ about 26,000 scientists for teaching, research and extension education; of these over 6000 scientists are employed in the ICAR supported coordinated projects.

For more info,Visit https://icar.org.in/


National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

The National Council for Teacher Education is a statutory body set up under the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 to facilitate planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system in the country, and for regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the teacher education system. The mandate given to the NCTE is very broad and covers the whole gamut of teacher education programs including research and training of persons to equip them to teach at pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary stages in schools, and non-formal education, part-time education, adult education and distance (correspondence) education courses. The Council, under Section 12 is responsible for the following activities and functions:


  1. to coordinate and monitor teacher education and its development in the country;

  2. lay down guidelines in respect of minimum qualifications for a person to be employed as a teacher;

  3. lay down norms for any specified category of courses or trainings in teacher education;

  4. lay down guidelines for compliance by recognised institutions for starting new courses or training;

  5. lay down stadards in respect of examiniations, leading to teacher education qualifications;and

  6. examine and review periodically the implementation of the norms, guidelines and standards laid down by the Council.

The Council is empowered to grant recognition of institutions offering courses or training in teacher education.

What is available in NCTE Website ?

NCTE website provides details of institutions recognized by NCTE including courses recognized by it. There is a summary Fact Sheet about the institution with some details of the Courses. The site also includes a interesting section on Teacher as a Transformer. In this section, students can contribute and recall teachers who transformed them.

For more info,Visit https://ncte.gov.in/


Dental Council of India (DCI)

Dental Council of India, constituted under the Denstists Act, 1948, is a Statutory Body incorporated under an Act of Parliament to regulate the dental education and the profession of Dentistry throughout India. The Council is responsible for according recognition to dental degree awarded by various universities and also for maintaining uniform standards of dental education in India. The Dental Council of India (DCI) lays down minimum requirements in respect of staff and infrastructure and prescribes the syllabus and the scheme of examinations.

For more info,Visit http://www.dciindia.org.in/


Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)

The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), also known as Central council, was constituted under section 3 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. The PCI controls pharmacy education and profession in India up to graduate level. The Council prescribes the minimum standard of education for qualification as pharmacist.The Council prescribes:

  1. The nature and period of study of practical training to be undertaken before admission to an examiniation;

  2. the equipment and facilities to be provided for students undergoing approved courses of study;

  3. the subject of examination and the standards therein to be attained;and

  4. any other conditions of admission to examinations.

What is available in PCI Website ?

PCI site provides a list of institutions that are approved by the Council for Degree and Diploma Programs approved along with approved intake and year up to which approval is granted. This list is state-wise. Registration of pharmacists is done by State Pharmacy Councils.

For more info,Visit https://www.pci.nic.in/


Indian Nursing Council (INC)

The Indian Nursing Council is a statutory body constituted under the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947. The Council is responsible for regulation and maintenance of a uniform standard of training for Nurses, Midwives, Auxilliary Nurse-Midwives and Health Visitors. Amongst other things, the Council is empowered to make regulations for:


  1. prescribes the standard curricula for the training of nurses, midwives and health visitors; and for trining courses for teachers of nurses, midwives and health visitors, and for training in nursing administration;

  2. prescribes conditions for admission to above courses; and

  3. prescribes standard of examination and other requirements to be satisfied for securing recognization.

For more info,Visit https://www.indiannursingcouncil.org/


Bar Council of India (BCI)


The Bar Council of India is empowered to make rules to discharge its functions under the Advocates Act 1961. An important rule-making power is with reference to laying down guidelines for the standards of professional conduct and etiquette to be observed by advocates. The Bar Council of India Rules may prescribe for a class or category of person entitled to be enrolled as advocate. The Bar Council of India can also specify the conditions subject to which an advocate must have the right to practise and the circumstances under which a person must be deemed to practise as an advocate in a court.

For more info,Visit http://www.barcouncilofindia.org/


Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH)

The Central Council of Homoeopathy was establishedunder the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. The Council prescribes and recognizes all homeopathic medicine qualifications. Any university or medical institutions that desires to grant a medical qualification in homeopathy is required to apply to the Council. The Council is responsible for constitution and maintenance of a Central Register of Homoeopathy and for matters connected therewith. All universities and Board of medical institutions in India are required to furnish all information regarding courses of study and examination. The Council is empowered to appoint inspectors at examinations and visitors to examine facilities.

For more info,Visit https://www.ccrhindia.nic.in/


Central Council for Indian Medicine (CCIM)

The Central Council of Indian Medicine is the statutory body constituted under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. This Council prescribes minimum standards of education in Indian Systems of Medicine viz. Ayurved, Siddha, Unani Tibb. The Council is responsible to maintain a Central Register on Indian Medicine and prescribes Standards of Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of Ethics to be observed by the practitioners. The Council is empowered to appoint medical inspectors to observe the conduct of examinations, and visitors to inspect facilities in colleges, hospitals and other institutions imparting instruction in Indian medicine. The Council is responsible to frame regulations with respect to:

  1. the courses and period of study, including practical training to be undertaken, the subject of examinations, and the standards of proficiency therein to be obtained in any university, board or medical institution for grant of recognized medical qualifications;

  2. the standard of staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities for education in Indian medicine; and

  3. the conduct of professional examinations, etc.

What is available in CCIM Website ?

The website provides for list of colleges recognized by the Council for education in Indian Systems of Medicine viz. Ayurved, Siddha, Unani Tibb.

For more info,Visit https://ccimindias.in/


National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM)

the Indian Medicine Central Council (IMCC) Act 1970 (48 of 1970) has been repealed and all the provisions of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM) has been come into force with effect from the 11th day of June 2021.The Aims and objectives of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine are to -

  1. Improve access to quality and affordable Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Sowa-Rigpa (AUS&SR) medical education

  2. Ensure availability of adequate and high quality AUS&SR medical professionals in all parts of the country;

  3. Promote equitable and universal healthcare that encourages community health perspective and makes services of AUS&SR medical professionals accessible to all the citizens;

  4. Encourage medical professionals to adopt latest medical research in their work and to contribute to research;

  5. Objectively assess and rate medical institutions periodically in a transparent manner;

  6. Maintain a National AUS&SR medical register for India;

  7. Enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of AUS&SR medical services;

  8. Have an effective grievance redressal mechanism.

For more info,Visit https://ncismindia.org/


Council of Architecture

The Council of Architecture (COA) was constituted under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972, enacted by the Parliament of India.The Act provides for registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. The Council of Architecture is responsible to regulate the education and practice of profession throughout India besides maintaining the register of architects. Any person desirous of carrying on the profession of "Architect" must register himself with Council of Architecture.

The registration with Council of Architecture entitles a person to practice the profession of architecture, provided he holds a Certificate of Registration with up-to-date renewals. The registration also entitles a person to use the title and style of Architect. The title and style of architect can also be used by a firm of architects, of which all partners are registered with COA. Limited Companies, Private/Public Companies, societies and other juridical persons are not entitled to use the title and style of architect nor are they entitled to practice the profession of architecture.

The practice of profession of an architect is governed by the Architects (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 1989 (as amended in 2003), which deals with professional ethics and etiquette, conditions of engagement and scale of charges, architectural competition guidelines, etc. Pursuant to these Regulations, the Council of Architecture has framed guidelines governing various aspects of practice.

The Council prescribes qualifications and standards of education being imparted in institutions imparting architecture education. It set forth the requirement of eligibility for admission, course duration, standards of staff & accommodation, course content, examination, etc. These standards as provided in the said Regulations are required to be maintained by the institutions. The COA oversees the maintenance of the standards periodically by way of conducting inspections through Committees of Experts. The COA is required to keep the Central Government informed of the standards being maintained by the institutions and is empowered to make recommendations to the Government of India with regard to recognition and de-recognition of a qualification.

What is available in COA Website ?

The web site provides act, rules and regulation of the Council of Architecture (COA). The site lists all institutions, colleges and universities that offer courses in architecture in India. The site provides detailed information on various aspects of architecture designs and practices. It also provides important legal judgements relating to registration as architect. The site also provides other rules, regulations and Government notifications. Under its events and activities section, the site provides ongoing competitions, other events and activities in the field.

For more info,Visit https://www.coa.gov.in/


Rehabilitation Council

The Rehabilitation Council of India was set up as a registered society in 1986. However, it was soon found that a Society could not ensure proper standardization and acceptance of the standards by other Organizations. The Parliament enacted Rehabilitation Council of India Act in 1992. The Rehabilitation Council of India become Statutory Body on 22nd June 1993. The RCI Act was amended by the Parliament in 2000 to work it more broad based. The Act casts onerous responsibility on the Council. It also prescribes that any one delivering services to people with disability, who does not possess qualifications recognised by RCI, could be prosecuted. Thus the Council has the twin responsibility of standardizing and regulating the training of personnel and professional in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.

For more info,Visit https://rehabcouncil.nic.in/


Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE)

Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE) is an autonomous society fully funded by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Registered on 19th October, 1995 with its Headquarter at Hyderabad, It was established with a main objective of promoting Rural Higher Education for advancing rural livelihoods with the instrument of education on the lines of Mahatma Gandhiji's revolutionary concept of Nai Talim, a functional education based on the values proposed by Gandhiji. Other objectives of the council include teachers training, extension and research by networking with policy making bodies such as UGC, AICTE and research organizations like CSIR, AICTE etc., in addition to encouraging other educational institutions and voluntary agencies to develop in accordance with Gandhian Philosophy of education.

For more info,Visit http://www.mgncre.org/


State Councils of Higher Education

Following the National Policy on Education, respective state governments have established State Councils of Higher Education (SCHE). These councils prepare coordinated programmes of development of higher education in each state. Thus they seek to consolidate the efforts and investments of institutions of higher education with the state.


Veterinary Council of India

Veterinary Council of India is a statutory body established under the Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984. It receives 100 % grants–in–aid from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India to meet the cost of running the offices of the Council. Central government vide Gazette notification dated 2nd August, 1989, first constituted the Veterinary Council of India by nominating the Members of the Council as per provisions of section 3 of the Act.

VCI is charged with the responsibilities of making provision for the regulation of veterinary practice and for that purpose, regulate the standards of veterinary education, preparation and maintenance of an Indian Veterinary Practitioners' Register, Electoral Roll for election of members under section 3(3)(g), recommend for recognition or withdrawal of recognition of veterinary qualifications to the central government and matters connected therewith and ancillary thereto.

For more info,Visit https://vci.dahd.gov.in/


National Council of Vocational Education and Training (NCVET)

The primary objective of NCVET is to ensure strong industry interfacing and implement effective regulations that enhance the quality and outcomes of vocational education and training. It is responsible for the development, qualitative improvement, and regulation of vocational education and training systems. Additionally, NCVET grants recognition to and monitors the functioning of awarding bodies, assessment agencies, and skill information providers. It also performs other incidental functions as specified in its resolution.

NCVET’s mission is to integrate the fragmented regulatory system and infuse quality assurance across the entire vocational education, training, and skilling value chain. By doing so, it aims to facilitate the availability of highly skilled manpower, improving employability and contributing to the accelerated growth of the Indian economy.

For more info,Visit https://ncvet.gov.in/
