Vice Chancellor from January 30, 2018 to March 14, 2024 of Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani
Vice Chancellor (Additional Charge) from July 09, 2021 to April 04, 2022 of Maharishi Valmiki Sanskrit University, Mundri, Kaithal , Haryana
Vice Chancellor (2008 -2013) of Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad (U.P.)
Professor (w.e.f. 22.09.2004) in the University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi. Experience as Professor is 19 years 07 months
Director-Development & Coordinator - NAAC & UGC (2014-2018), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
Dean, University School of Management Studies (2005-2008), University School of Education (2005-2007) and University School of Humanities & Social Sciences (2005-2007), at GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
HOD/Chairman (1996-2000), Department of Business Economics, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar.
Experience: A total of teaching, research and administrative experience of more than 35 years, playing a key role in building several academic institutions from their inception stage with a focus on providing quality education.
Research output: 120 research publications in refereed international and national journals; publication of 06 books (Eds.); supervision of 21 research scholars of which 19 have been awarded Ph.D. degree; 01 has submitted thesis and has guided over 150 MBA students for their Major Research Projects. Quality of research publications is reflected in good citations. As per Google Scholar citations are – 711, while h-index/ i-index is 12
Invited Talks: Delivered over 100 keynote/ inaugural/invited/technical lectures in different Universities/Colleges/Organisations.
Awards, Scholarships and Medals: Outstanding Achievement Award by Haryana Maitri Sangh, (2020); Best Teacher Award by GGSIPU,Delhi (2002); Life Time Achievement Award by IEEE ( U.P. Chapter); UGC-JRF(1987-89); Haryana State Merit Scholarship at UG & PG levels; College Gold Medalist in B.Com.(1981-83).
Academic Events: Organised more than 50 major conferences / seminars /workshops / FDPs
Academic Visits Abroad: Steven Institute of Technology, Hoboken (New Jersey); Graduate School of System Design & Management, Keio University, Japan; Tribhuvan University, Nepal,UIU Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Completed 05 major research/consultancy projects
Key interest areas – Promoting the idea of swadeshi & aatmanirbhar bharat; employment generating strategies for Indian economy; implementation of NEP-2020; promoting responsible consumption; integrating Indian knowledge system & thoughts in to the present Indian education; character building & holistic personality development of the youth , through mass awakening, research and capacity building programmes in association with social organisations.