The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 envisages a new and forward-looking vision for India's higher education system. It sets the foundation for the much-needed transformation and overhaul of the current education system through its focus on key issues like access, equity, multidisciplinarity, holistic and value-based education. The Indian higher education system is one of the world's largest systems and transformation of such a vast system requires transforming the system or processes for all Higher Education spheres including areas of leadership, funding, quality of education delivery, accountability, management, teachinglearning & research, as well as internationalization. Internationalisation of higher education is an essential aspect of the National Education policy 2020.
The need to internationalise certain aspects of higher education, while making all higher education relevant internationally has been a major area of focus. Internationalisation of higher education is the process of integrating an international and intercultural dimension in higher education. Opportunities to attract international students, academics and funding are growing and many lndian Higher Educational lnstitutions (HEIs) are now committed to increase their international outreach. In order to facilitate the internationalisation of Indian HEIs, the University Grants Commission has framed the guidelines for admission and creation of supernumerary seats for international students.
Guidelines for Admission and Supernumerary seats of International Students in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes in Higher Educational Institutions in India View More