The vision ol the NEP 2020 is to instil among thc learners a deep-rooted pride in being Indian. not only in thought. but also in spirit. intellect. and deeds. as well as to devclop knowledge. skills. values, and dispositions that support responsible conrmitmcnt to human rights, sustainable development and living. and global well-being thereby reflecting a truly global citizen. It also mentions that. as the world is beconring increasingly interconnected Global Citizenship Education (GCED), a response to conlemporary global challenges. will be providcd to empower leamers to become aware of and understand global lssues and to become active promoters of morc peaceful, tolerant. inclusive, secure. and sustainable societies.
ln view of the importance given to the concept ol- Global Citizenship and Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in NEP. 2020. UGC developed an "Educalional Framework for Global Citizenship in Higher Education" which would provide conceptual clarity on how Higher Education lnstitutions can integrate the concept of Global Citizenship amongst the students through teaching. pedagogy and research. The framework also provides inputs on the expectations. knowledge, skills and value system etc. required by students to become global citizens
Educational Framework for Global Citizenship in Higher Education View More