Brief Information
- The University Grants Commission, on behalf of the Government of India, has been implementing various collaborative academic programmes between India and foreign countries. UGC has been running Joint Research Programmes with countries like USA, UK, Israel, Norway and New Zealand, Germany, and has also facilitated Indian scholars to realize their research potential through scholarship, fellowship and research programmes, such as Stipendium Hungaricum scholarships, Raman Fellowships for Post-doctoral research in USA, Project-based Personnel Exchange Programme and Exchange of Scientists Programme. ),
Some of the active Joint Research Projects are listed below:
• Indo-German Partnership in Higher Education
• Project Based Personal Exchange Programme
• Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme
To promote India as global study destination and Internationalisation UGC has been undertaking various initiatives, which include:
i. Notification of UGC(Academic Collaboration between Indian & Foreign HEIs to offer Twinning, Joint Degree and Dual Degree Programmes) Regulations, 2022 for promotion of academic colaboration
ii. Establishment Alumni-Connect cell and Office of international affairs in universities
iii. The drafting of University Grants Commission (Setting up and Operation of Campuses of Foreign Higher Educational Institutions in India) Regulations, 2023
Bureau Head