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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

  • UGC provided various mechanisms to resolve the issues and concerns of various stake holders. Because of non-availability of a single window system the stake holders were lodging multiple complaints /grievances at various places. Due to that the redressal mechanisms was at slow pace, which was also causing further concerns to the stake holders. The resolution of Institutional Entity Grievances has always been a top priority of the University Grant Commission. UGC took advantage of ICT enhancements and came up with the "e-Samadhan Online Grievance Registering and Monitoring System" It is a digital platform for Stake holders to identify and apply for grievances/feedback/queries. This platform ensures a time-bound mechanism for redressal of the grievances.
    Refund of fee from the various institute is the biggest task performed by this Bureau.

Bureau Head

Name of Bureau Head:



Phone Number:


Email: pramod.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number: