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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

  • BSR Faculty Fellowship.
    Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship. (DSKPDF)
    Faculty Recharge Programme (FRP)
    Mid-Career Award Grant
    Research Fellowship to Meritorious Students (RFSMS) in Science.
    Start-up Grant.

  • Major activities of the section are as under:

  • Dr. D.S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship and BSR Faculty Fellowship is disbursed through UGC Canara Bank SFMP in DBT mode
    The salary of the Faculties appointed under Faculty Recharge Programme is released.
    Mid-Career Award Grant is given to in service faculty members in various Universities.
    Settlement of old cases of RFSMS upto 30.06.2016.
    Start-up Grant is given to the newly appointed Assistant Professor in various Universities.
    For any queries related to these schemes please send an email to bsrsection.ugc@gmail.com

Bureau Head

Name of Bureau Head:



Phone Number:


Email: parora.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: skumar.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number: