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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

    The objectives of the programme are as under:
  • Identify areas in various disciplines with respect to educational, national and global priorities.
    Encourage new ideas and innovations and to provide support for their implementation.
    Identify institutions and support them to develop (i) specialized courses at Under-graduation and Post-Graduate levels in emerging areas and (ii) accommodate original ideas and innovative proposals to influence teaching, research, academic excellence and societal development of relevance.
    Consider steps to encourage, promote and make use of brilliant ideas for promoting scientific and technological applications for the benefit of society.
    Identify user departments/ institutions who may actively participate and derive benefit from the course or programme and train personnel, and also sponsor students for the course.
    Provide financial support for the above purposes in bringing innovation in various disciplines and in Emerging Areas.

Bureau Head

Name of Bureau Head:



Phone Number:


Email: monika.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: nandkishor.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number: