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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

  • Budget Estimates, under Salary and Recurring of all Central Universities (call information/ invite proposal from Central Universities, compilation of data, meeting of the Committee, approval of the recommendations of the Committee and convey the approval to all Central Universities)
    Revised Budget Estimates under Salary and Recurring of all Central Universities,
    Annual Allocation under Capital Assets (call information/ invite proposal from Central Universities, compilation of data, meeting of the Committee, approval of the recommendations of the Committee and convey the approval to all Central Universities)
    Maintenance of the data related to sanctioned strength, filled up and vacant of teaching and non-teaching positions, students enrolment and Hostel, Teacher – student Ratio and teaching to non-teaching Ratio.
    To compile the information related to SC/ST/OBC/PH for teaching, non-teaching, students, hostels etc.
    Committee related to evolve the norms for teacher-students ratio and teaching to non-teaching ratio in Central Universities.
    CPF/GPF/NPS related matter of all Central Universities.
    Revision of emolument of Junior/ Senior Residents and interns
    To examine the Cadre Recruitment Rules of non-teaching of all Central Universities.
    Examine the Statutes and Ordinances of Central University and to provide comments on it as sought by the Ministry of Education
    Comments on Finance Committee Agenda of all Central University and examine the Minutes.
    Comments on Executive Council Committee Agenda of all Central University and examine the Minutes.
    UGC nominee on the Executive Council Committee in the Central Universities
    Review meeting of Residential coaching academy of central Universities
    Review of Endangered languages in Central Universities.
    Framing of guidelines for sorting self-financing courses in Central Universities.
    School of Education
    OBC Expansion Scheme
    Meta University
    Vice-Chancellor Conference
    Monitoring the integrated Central University Portal
    Maintenance of various type of data as sought by the Ministry from time to time
    Annual Report Material
    Parliament Question reply
    RTI reply
    VIP reference
    Pubic Grievance reply as forwarded by PG Cell
    Court Cases

Bureau Head

Name of Bureau Head:



Phone Number:


Email: amgalhotra.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: lokesh.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: lalita.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: poonamsharma.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number: