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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

  • The scheme intends to promote well performing accredited institutions to mentor the NAAC accreditation aspiring institutions to upgrade their academic performance and get accredited. A well designed scheme of Mentor-Mentee relationship will not only benefit both the institutions but also lead to quality education to the 3.9 crore students who are enrolled in Indian Higher Education system at present.
    The mentor institution is provided with financial assistance up to Rs. 30 lakh. The financial assistance can be used for the followship for Accreditation Ambassador, guest lectures, organizing workshops/trainings, honorarium to experts/resource persons etc. The Mentee institutions may undergo the complete accreditation process with the help of Mentor institution in order to prepare them for the actual NAAC assessment process.

Bureau Head

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Email: dsobti.ugc@nic.in
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