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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

  • Sanskrit as it is acknowledged, is not just a language but also the voice of India’s soul and wisdom. It is the link between India’s past and present. It has been the vehicle of knowledge tradition of Bharat. UGC has been undertaking various activities for promotion of Sanskrit in HEIs on the recommendations of the Committees constituted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India and the UGC for a long term vision and road-map for the development of Sanskrit for the next ten years. A Report on Promotion of collaboration with foreign higher educational institutions in the areas of Sanskrit and other related fields has also been prepared by an Expert Committee constituted by UGC. According to the recommendations of the Committee, Sanskrit Universities are expected to initiate the online /offline short term programs in order to attract foreign students to learn Sanskrit and allied subjects. In this direction, UGC may extend support to these Sanskrit Universities to establish themselves as excellent centers of learning and strengthen India’s image as a global study destination.

Bureau Head

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Email: pkumar.ugc@nic.in
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