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UGC Bureaus

Brief Information

  • The UGC provided General Development Assistance to 162 eligible State Universities which are recognized under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956, within the frame work of norms and broad outlays specified by the UGC in order to facilitate the procurement of such infrastructural facilities which are not normally made available to them from the State Government or other bodies supporting them. Assistance is given for Buildings, Staff, Books & Journals, Equipment & other items etc. The following schemes are being implemented under General Development Assistance to eligible State Universities during XII Plan Period: Construction & Renovation of Buildings, Campus Development, Staff, Books & Journals, Laboratory Equipment & Infrastructure, Annual Maintenance Contract, Innovative Research Activities, University Industry Linkages, Extension Activities, Cultural Activities, Development of ICT, Health Care, Student Amenities including Hostels, Travel Grant, Conferences, Seminars/Symposia/Workshop, Publication Grant, Appointment Visiting Professor/Visiting Fellows, Establishment of Career & Counselling Cell, Day Care Centre, Basic Facilities for Women, Faculty Development Programme, ENCORE, Human Rights and Duties Education, Appointment/Honorarium of Guest Part time Teachers and Non Net Fellowship to Students.
  • Following schemes which were earlier part of Merged Scheme were implemented independently by a dedicated cell of UGC and separate grant were provided by UGC under these schemes: Equal Opportunity Cell, Remedial Coaching for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) and minority community, Coaching of NET for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) and minority community students, Coaching Classes for entry into services for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) and minority students and Schemes for persons with disabilities.

Bureau Head

Name of Bureau Head:



Phone Number:


Email: hira.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: hcyadav.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number:

Email: usha.ugc@nic.in
Phone Number: