Brief Information
- Ishan Uday - Special Scholarship Scheme for North Eastern Region (NER)
PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child (SGC)
PG Scholarship For University Rank Holders (Ist and IInd Rank Holders) (URH)
PG Scholarship Scheme For SC/ST Students for Persuing Professional Courses (PGSPROF)
National Schloarship of PG Studies (NSPG) on NSP Portal ( on UGC Canara Bank SFMP
- PG Scholarship for GATE/GPAT qualified students for pursuing M.Tech./M.E./ M.Pharm (on old cases)
Major activities of the section are as follows:
- Disbursement of fellowship in DBT mode for above mentioned schemes.
Settlement of legacy cases for all above mentioned schemes.
For any queries related to schemes dealt in SA-III section, please send an email to
Scheme on National Scholarship Portal
Bureau Head